영화같은 순간들. 사랑하는 사람 곁에 있는 모든 순간들. 누군가  등에 그림을 그려주는 순간들. 누군가  머리를 쓰다듬어주는 순간들. 부모님과 도란도란 대화를 나누는 순간들. 이런 최고의 순간들은 사실 돈으로   없는, 공짜로 주어진 것들이라는  깨달았다.

Movie-like moments. Every moment spent with loved ones. Those times when someone drew on my back. The moments when someone gently stroked my head. The conversations shared with my parents. I've realized that these are the best moments in life, things that money can't buy, given to us for free.



이런 공짜 경험을  많이 누리기 위해서는 패시브인컴(Passive Income),  자산에서 나오는 소득이 필요하다. 돈이 많다고 반드시 행복할 수는 없겠지만, 다른 조건이 동일하다면  많은 돈이  많은 기회를 제공한다는 것도 사실이다. 돈은 단순한 물품 이상의 가치를 지니며, 우리에게 다양한 기회를 제공한다.

To enjoy more of these free experiences, I need passive income, that is, income generated from assets. While having more money doesn’t guarantee happiness, it’s true that with all else being equal, more money offers more opportunities. Money is not just a means of exchange; it holds value and provides us with various opportunities.


돈의 흐름을 곰곰이 생각해보면, 돈은 항상  가치 있게 쓰는 사람에게로 이동한다. 내가 지금까지 어디에 집중했는지 돌아보니 ' '에만 신경 썼다. 유학생 신분일 , 누릴  있는 모든 혜택들을 누리고자 학업과 생활비, 그리고 자기성장과 공부에 아낌없이 지출했다. 

Reflecting on the flow of money, I see that it always moves to those who use it more valuably. Looking back, I realize I have been focused on spending money. As an international student, I spent generously on my education, living expenses, personal growth, and studies to make the most of all available benefits.



하지만 이제는 ' ' 집중할 때가 왔다. 그리고 지금 이순간에 감사하다. 생산자가 계속  많이 생산하고 소비자는 계속 소비만 한다는 사실을 생각하면, 나는 소비자가 아닌 생산자가 되어야 한다. 나의 가치를 돈으로 바꾸는  집중하고 싶다.

But now, it’s time to focus on earning money. And I am grateful for this moment. Thinking about how producers keep producing more while consumers just keep consuming, I recognize that I need to become a producer, not just a consumer. I want to focus on converting my value into money.



 많은 돈을 끌어들이기 위해서는 채울 공간을 만들어야 한다. 집안의 잡동사니처럼 마음 속의 하찮은 것들도 내다 버려야 한다. 해가 되는 관계들은 끊어내자. 그리고 저임금의 함정을 벗어나  나은 임금을 받을  있는 시간을 만들자.

To attract more money, I need to create space for it. Just as I clear out the clutter in my home, I need to get rid of the insignificant things in my mind. It’s time to cut off harmful relationships and move away from low-paying jobs to make time for higher-paying opportunities.



생각의 전환을   있는 지금  순간에 감사하다.  삶이 과거의 내가 한때 꿈꾸던 모습이라는  기억하면 감사할 수밖에 없게 된다. 매일 아침 거울을 보며 혼잣말로 중얼거리며 스스로의 가치를 인식하던 일상이 습관이 되었다. 그리고  가치를 금전적인 부로 전환할  있는 자신감이 생겼다.

I am thankful for this moment of mental shift. Remembering that my life today was once a dream in the past fills me with gratitude. Every morning, I look in the mirror and remind myself of my worth, a habit that has now become part of my daily routine. This practice has given me the confidence to convert that value into financial wealth.


다만 돈을  벌기 위해서는 철저히 공부하고, 부의 흐름과 법칙을 관찰할 필요성이 있다. 돈은 거래를 통해 이동하기 때문에 공정한 거래 역시 중요하다. 

To earn money well, one must study diligently and observe the flow and laws of wealth. Since money moves through transactions, fair transactions are also important.



사실, 세상의 모든 사람은 부유하다. 모든 사람은 자신의 가치에 맞는 부를 가지고 있다. 다만 그걸 모르는 사람과 아는 사람이 있을 . 몰라도 모르는 사람과 모르는  모르는 사람이 있을 뿐이다.

In truth, everyone in the world is wealthy. Everyone possesses wealth that matches their value. The only difference is that some people recognize this, while others do not. Some people don’t know it, and some don’t even realize they don’t know it.



고로,  가치를 인식하고 돈으로 전환하는 방법을 이해하자. 투자와 전략적 사고를 습관화하는 거다.

Therefore, it’s crucial to recognize that value and understand how to convert it into money. Let's make a habit of strategic thinking and investment.



그리고 기억하자.

오늘의 나는 과거에 원했던 모습이다. 이젠 나의 가치를 금전적인 부로 전환하는 길을 전략적으로 찾을 것이다.

Remember: today, I am the person I once aspired to be. Now, I will strategically find ways to convert my value into financial wealth.




인생의 소중한 순간들을 너와 함께 마음껏 사랑하고 싶으니까(:

cuz I want to freely love life’s precious moments with you(:


